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Sprints & Hurdles Coach

Martin Cook

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My name is Martin Cook and I am the sprints and hurdles coach for University of Sheffield Athletics Club. The athletes in my group range from 60/100m up to 800m, male and female. I am fully qualified level 2 for Sprints and Hurdles and began coaching for the University in September 2011.


I love every minute of it and thoroughly enjoy working with a broad range of athletes year on year, working hard together to achieve each athletes' personal goals. The training involves regular sessions throughout the week through track work, grass work,
circuits / conditioning. and work gym


Our targets are mainly working towards the university competitions of BUCS, Steel Cup and Varsity, although there are many other competitions and open meetings throughout the year that we target too.


Being a former student at university, as well as a regional medalist and national competitor, I have a broad understanding of the hard work and dedication required to succeed, on and off the track, and would look forward to working with motivated athletes to achieve the desired times and targets in the sport. Athletes at my sessions will work hard but I'm sure that they will all (mostly) tell you that we will have fun along the way!

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