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Races and events


South Yorkshire XC league races, all held locally, are a great way to see the sights of...well, Rotherham and such. The first opportunity to taste Hallam blood (so to speak) should not go ungraced. A great way to get in gear for the coming year, with challenging terrain and tough inclines all part of the fun.


XC Relays, hosted by Manchester and Leeds, are a great introduction to the inter-university competitions. The relay legs are short and rapid, with GB internationals spotted over the years including Alex Yee and Tom Lancashire. Once the racing is done, the night is still young curry is consumed by the kilo and the beer ‘boat racing’ is an opportunity to set some scores straight!

Braid's hills, hosted by The Haries The University of Edinburgh Athletics Club. A fantastic hill course with a 5km and 10km race to choose between

Elisha de Mello XC captain came 1st in the 10km in 2021, Sam Sommerville and Juliette Downs both came 3rd in their respective categories in 2019 so despite being the most southern club to compete we have a lot to uphold! After the race haggis is eaten and Ceilidh is attempted. The night finishes in that club where T2 was filmed.



BUCS XC, the highlight of the season, is a chance to pit yourself against the very best university distance athletes. The venue changes each year with recent locations such as Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Exeter, amongst others. After working hard, there’s a chance to play hard, with the hosting university organising a huge shindig where hours are forgotten and memories are made.


The Isle of Man trip, a fantastic addition to the calendar, this event secured a place in our hearts. Three races in three days will make men out of boys, and women out of girls. It’s a 10k on Good Friday, a hill race on Easter Saturday, and a 5k on Easter Sunday. The road courses are flat and the fields are stacked, meaning it’s full steam ahead for the PB train. The party that follows is one to remember, with round after round of beer ‘boat racing’ in a raucous atmosphere where banter and Bushy's beer flow in equal measure.

There's much which has gone unmentioned here so do come along to a session and have a chat with us! Our Cross Country Captain this year is Oliver Bureau, who can be contacted through Facebook.

See Training Sessions for details.

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